Friday, May 16, 2014

Commission Status

Due to some financial trouble I will be pushing the promotion that I have running right now.

Currently I am offering $3 Sketch Commissions and $5 Color Commissions, these are for a limited time only. And I will be running this until the end of August.

There are no limitations to how many you can get (Don't request more than what you can pay for). Payment must be made at time of request, after a preliminary sketch is made (if you're ready), or by the end of August (note that if you decide to prolong payment, the final image will not be posted until you pay, if you cannot pay by that time, the image will be discarded). Other disclaimers to help this process: Paying ahead of time will help speed the entire thing up, images paid for will receive top priority for completion; keep in mind that my skill of drawing is still widely within amateur range and some things I may draw incorrectly I'll be depending on your assistance to make sure things are as accurate or close to the result you like; due to work, image completion time will vary widely please cooperate with time to completion, periodic update requests are allowed naturally, don't make it a chore for yourself though.

Content isn't limited, but be aware of what you're requesting and who you're requesting it from. To view a few samples of this work refer to the following links: (Background was simple and therefore no extra charge)

If you are ready and confident on requesting your art, use the link to the left of the blog to submit your request form.

The reason regarding this post is because I have a phone bill that has been neglected due to needing to pay for bills for the car (which are still ongoing). Currently my phone is suspended to help allow to chip away at what is currently a ~$180 phone bill. As anyone with a cell phone would know, it's not good having to get your phone disconnected both for the personal aspect of being unable to text and for the emergency aspect of being able to make a call. While I typically handle this with my regular job the pay just isn't high enough and nowhere, locally, is hiring.

To sum things up, if you do decide to request from me, I appreciate your requesting and hope that in the future, I can be able to do more art for you under less grovelling circumstances.

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